Getting Wisdom, knowledge and understanding so we can do our best
"Give unto others as you would have them give unto you."
Our labor of "LOVE" for the less fortunate.
Kickoff (3/11/23)
Fish Fry with all the trimmings
Feeding the Homeless
Home of Refuge, Eden NC (3/19/23)
Community Feeding (4/16/23)
Community Feeding (5/21/23)
Community Feeding (6/24/23)
Community Feeding (7/16/23)
Community Feeding (8/26/23)
Box Giveaway (5/28/23)
Provided food to 23 families
Community Box Giveaway (11/11/23)
Provided food to 126 families
Box Giveaway (7/19/23)
Central Childrens Home
Box Giveaway (7/26/23)
Essenial Boxes for Seniors
Thanksgiving Box Giveaway (11/17/23)
Grocery Giveaway
Groceries are purchased and given to families when the basic need has been identified.
They enjoy shopping for others.
Families In Need
These boxes are created and given to families when a need has been identified.